
Friday, June 3, 2011

Ben & Kristen's cutting board PART 3

I finally finished the end grain cutting board that I was working on and just in time. This particular cutting board was a wedding gift for my brother in law.When I first finished the board I showed my wife but she thought it was just a little too small and needed a little more surface space. I ended up adding a border around it and that made it look much better. Congrats on the wedding guys. 


Here you can see I used my milling machine at work to plane the faces flat. Sanding is not something that I enjoy doing so this makes quick work of flattening the cutting board. This is also something you can do with a router and a jig. I will go over this method at a different time. 

Here you can see what it looks like after i added the border, great suggestion from my wife.

Ready to round over the edges I think it was a 1/4 round over bit. I do this to both side of the cutting board.

Ready for the finish !!!
 I did not include any pictures of my sanding not very interesting anyway.

Now this is my favorite part of the whole process. Before i apply the finish I like to wipe my work down with mineral spirits. This just gives me some extra insurance that my finish will go on with out any problems.

Here she is all finished up. I used mineral oil to finish it off.

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